The Saint Therese Young Adult Ministry is a community of young adults 19 to 39 that seek to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through His Church and the Sacraments. This is a peer lead faith community that focuses on spiritual, social and service activities.
St. therese young adult ministry survey
Are you between the ages of 19 and 39? Interested in a young adult program? Since that age spans approximately 20 years, young adult to one person may mean one thing while to someone else it may mean another. We are looking to find a way to reach more young adults in interests and phases of life...whether someone is searching or someone else is looking for in-depth faith discussions...we want to find that place for you and allow you to find like-minded people to form community. Please take the opportunity to take our survey so we can develop some ideas to reach you and others: St. Therese Young Adult Survey. This survey will be available until June 30, 2024.