Effective October 1, 2022 all requests for the bulletin must be made through the webform on this page.
Once your event has been approved and placed on the parish calendar, fill out the form on this page to request an announcement for the bulletin.
If you have graphics or photos that need to be included, email them to [email protected] AFTER you submit the web form.
Effective January 1, 2022, the deadline for bulletin content is TWO SUNDAYS BEFORE INTENDED PUBLICATION DATE, NOT the event date. Please consider submitting information at least one month in advance, prior to your event, to ensure its timely advertising.
bulletin announcements must be submitted using the form in order to be considered for inclusion.
The Bulletin Editor is the only one that can confirm publication dates once your announcement is approved.
submit YOUR bulletin announcement on time
Effective January 1, 2022, the deadline for bulletin content is two Sundays before the intended publication date for advertising, NOT the actual date of your event. Please refer to the table on this page for upcoming bulletin deadlines.
A good rule of thumb is to submit your bulletin announcement at least a month in advance from the actual event date; this will allow the necessary time for publishing and distributing your content in all of our communication channels.
Your event must be already listed on the Parish Calendar.
Any activities stated in the announcement (sponsored by St. Therese ministries) MUST ALREADY HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED ON OUR ONLINE PARISH CALENDAR in order for them to be advertised in our bulletin and other channels of communication. Please confirm your calendar reservation with our Facilities Administrative Assistant, PRIOR to submitting your bulletin request.
If your event is sponsored by a St. Therese ministry but is not listed in the online Parish Calendar, your announcement may not be published.
If you have a particular image that you want used, it must meet Diocesan guidelines regarding copyrighting policies (graphic/photo/clipart if copyrighted must be paid for usage or include information indicating it is approved for reuse)
We encourage the use of parish-related photos involving ministry events. (If children are present in the photo, parents' consent is needed.)
Alternatively, you may use online photos from the following websites, which have images with no copyrights that are free to use:
If you are having trouble finding an image, ask for assistance. The Bulletin Editor has access to art and media through our bulletin vendor.
Photos may be included in the Word document or sent as an attachment to the email.
If necessary, contact the Bulletin Editor for additional details on Diocesan guidelines regarding copyrighting policies.
Additional Notes
All material submitted is subject to approval.
The Bulletin Editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for content and space considerations. Announcements will be published based on overall communication priorities for the parish.
If your announcement is missing information needed to successfully advertise your event/program, it will be sent back to you for revision, with a request to resubmit; its publication may be delayed.
You MUST submit the announcement to the Bulletin Editor in order for it to be considered for inclusion. Please, do not assume that your ad will be automatically forwarded to the Bulletin Editor by a third party (e.g. our Pastor, Parish Staff, or ministry members that you may have discussed the event with) and follow up with the Bulletin Editor directly to confirm publication dates.
For most ministries, if your event/program is listed in the bulletin, the same information may be included as a promotional “ad” (post) on Facebook and used on the website.
Your event-program may also be included in our weekly news email (sent via Constant Contact) the week prior to the event.